Well! their are countless methods to improve the FD. So, the first method is if you start the game almost near play 1 or 2 months. But you don’t kill more than 3 to 4 players in a single match. Firstly always touch with their squad. Never play alone to get the more kills. Sometimes you get the kill not with their squad, their are only 5% chances. Rest of the time you always get the kills with their teammates. The Second things you have a good internet connection because Internet plays the very important role in the gameplay. If you have a very good smartphones, then just like cheery on cake. If you have like 6 to 12 gb storage mobile phone or very good game processor 60 to 90 heartz display. After than the some major points to inclined the FD. Always play with those player those play better game play. Everyone’s know player matter whom did you play with. If you play with the boats you never inclined FD. Majority of the time play with almost 4 to 5 FD player. Then you see the difference between 1 to 2 FD player or 4 to 5 FD players.
You see while playing with the Pro players his moments ziggal while face the opponent prone time to time and get a very rare ammos from the enemy. Always open the scope only in long range rather than short use red dot or hologram or 2x if you want. But I suggested nothing to open in close range. Always touch with their squad if you got the knock your team mates easily revive you and handle the squad. If any one got the knockdown firstly never revive in open get the smoke or pickup the team mates in the house inside the walls. At that time your other 2 mates face the rivals when the face those easily which one is knockdown they get easily recover. If you push the squad never think kills with the guns. Firstly through some nades, Mocktails 50% chances to 1 or 2 enemy got knock with these things. 1% chances if the opponent amost nearabout in one house and through mocktails or nades the whole squad got finish. The iconic moments never missout. So these are the major steps to inclind the Fd in BGMI.